Mikhail Tyaglyy
Research Associate, Ukrainian Center for Holocaust Studies, Kiev
Mikhail Tyaglyy is research associate at the Ukrainian Center for Holocaust Studies and managing editor of the scholarly journal Голокост i сучаснiсть.Студії в Україні і світі (Holocaust and Modernity. Studies in Ukraine and the World). He is the author of the book on the Holocaust in the Crimean peninsula, Mecтa мaccoвогоуничтожения евреев Крыма в периoд нацистской оккупации полуострова, 1941-1945 (2005). His articles on the Nazi anti-Semitic propaganda in Ukraine and on the Nazi persecution of the Roma/Gypsies appeared in Holocaust and Genocide Studies and other academic journals.
Contact: mikhail.tyaglyy@gmail.com