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Digital Testimony Collections about Nazi Persecution History, Education and Media

Katharina Obens

Psychologist, Visitor Research, Jewish Museum Berlin, Germany


Katharina Obens graduated in Psychology at Freie Universität Berlin. She has teaching and work experience in research on historical understanding, evaluation of educational achievement, in education with video testimonies of Nazi survivors, and in social psychological research on impacts of the Holocaust, as well as in psychoanalysis, empirical social research, Holocaust trauma. She is doing her PhD at the Department of Educational Science and Psychology of Freie Universität Berlin, where her research topic is “Reception of Holocaust-Survivors’ Narratives in German Education” with Prof. Viola Georgi. Recently she has been working on an evaluation of museum education programs at the Jewish Museum Berlin, and also as a freelance consultant at the Center for Digital Systems (CeDiS) at the Freie Universität Berlin, as well as on behalf of the Topography of Terror Documentation Center, on design and implementation of educational programs with video testimonies, entitled “Stimmen der Opfer am Ort der Täter”. Recent publications: “Generation der Scham?” Eine Reanalyse sozialwissenschaftlicher Forschung zu Schuld und Schamgefühlen in der dritten Generation der Täter/-innen, published in: Scham und Schuld. Geschlechter(sub)texte der Shoah, Reihe GenderCodes, Transkriptionen zwischen Wissen und Geschlecht (2010). With Christian Geißler- Jagodzinksi: “Dann sind wir ja auch die letzte Generation, die davon profitieren kann“. Reflexionen zur Rezeption von Zeitzeugengesprächen bei Jugendlichen/jungen Erwachsenen (2010).

Contact: obens.katharina@jmberlin.de